Hi, I’m Tiara
A Human-Computer Interaction Master's student at the University of Michigan, embarking on a journey to master the art of storytelling through design.
I’m just a girl exploring tech.
A Native New Yorker. I was born in New York City as an only child. I lived there until I attended college in Atlanta, Georgia.
A Former Consultant. Shortly after graduating, I worked as a consultant for three years before pursuing UX Research and Design.
Spelman College. I graduated from Spelman College in 2020 with a degree in Economics. #HBCUGRAD
U of M. Currently pursuing a Master’s in Human Computer Interaction at the University of Michigan. #GoBlue
As a consultant, I had the opportunity to work across multiple industries ranging from product innovation, applied design, customer experience, and human capital.
My experience allowed me to work with companies such as Nike, Meta, Toyota, and even Walmart.
When I am not designing you can find me binge watching movies, journaling on my balcony with a chai tea latte, or learning how to serve on the tennis courts (huge shout out to adult beginner courses)
“I’ve always been a good listener. Now I’m a good listener who transforms the stories users share into viable products.”
Finding the perfect roommate can often be a daunting and time-consuming task. MaizeMates is a student verified mobile application that aims to simplify the process of finding and connecting with compatible roommates.
Study Room
Study Room
Despite the recognized success of collaborative study experiences, students often struggle to form study groups within their classes. Study Room aims to help students by providing a platform that enables collaborative learning through live study sessions, collaborative study materials, and game-based learning activities.
Want to learn more? Click here to see my resume